Creating Your League Creating your own league in Head Office is five step procedure. You need to create a new league, select the real-life teams that this league may draft players from, select the scoring categories, enter in some team owners and finally draft some players for each of the team owners.   Click on the New League navigator button. League Selection Type You must now choose whether you will be running a Fantasy (Rotisserie-style) league or a baseball pool. You make your choices by clicking on the appropriate radio buttons.   Head Office can maintain either a fantasy or pool style league so there are two different scoring formats. • Rotisserie style : the number of teams in the league determine the maximum number of points available in each category. The team with the most points in each scoring category receives 10 points, second place will receive 9 points, third place will receive 8 point and so on until the team with the least scores one point. • Pool scoring, Head Office assigns one point per item in each category. Therefore if your team achieved 31 home runs this week, you would add 31 points to your total team points. Note that in pool leagues, the scoring category must be a whole number to enable it to be used. Hence batting average, slugging, E.R.A and WHIP's are not available for pool play. Note : The Scoring options will not be available if you select Fantasy League. Scoring for Fantasy Leagues will follow the standard rules of Rotisserie-style play. Team Draft Eligibility The next operation in order for Head Office to setup your league is to determine team draft eligibility. You may choose to form a league based entirely on either on National or American teams or one composed of a combination of National and American teams.   Rotisserie-style Team eligibility is determined by your team selection. Once you decide which teams are eligible, only players playing on those teams will be able to accrue stats for you. If an eligible player in your league is traded away to an ineligible team (not in your original team selection) the program will not accrue any further stats for that player. If your league rules state that players can continue to accrue stats after trading to an ineligible team, then you must select all teams when making team selection. Note : A player may be active only for one team at a time. For example, only one team owner may have Barry Bonds at any given time. Once a player is drafted, he is no longer available for anyone else, although he may be traded or waived away. Pools I would advise you to select ALL teams (Head Office will default to this if you are running a pool to save you the trouble of selecting all the teams). This ensures that if a player moves to any teams their stats will continue to accrue. If you fail to select all teams for a pool and a player does move to another team that is not in your league, Head Office will freeze that player at their current stat level and will not allow you to change that player. If they again move to another team that is available within your teams selections their stats will pick up at the frozen point and continue. Obviously with pools, players may be drafted by more than one team. So you do not face the same restrictions that Rotisserie style imposes. Scoring Options - Rotisserie Now is the time to choose scoring categories. You have a total of 14 available scoring categories to choose from. Select the scoring categories you wish to use. To explain the choices which are available to you, you can have your teams accrue points from any/all the categories listed below. It should be noted that the program was designed to follow standard Rotisserie-style rules, that is, an even selection of offense and defense categories but this is not written in stone and you may do otherwise.   PLEASE NOTE: The printed reports handle up 8 scoring categories very well but if you decide to use more you will have to print your reports sideways (landscape orientation) or reduce the page (scale %) in your page set up dialogue box. Scoring Options - Pool Pools do not have the same scoring categories available as Rotisserie so some of the items in a pool league will be unavailable and in the case of offence, Hits will become a valid score (this is not available anywhere else but pools).   Note : if you use Rotisserie/Fantasy style scoring with a Pool league, you will be able to use all the standard categories that were available in a rotisserie/fantasy league. Saving your League Setup The last operation in the initial setup for your league is to name and save it. I would advise that you save your league in the same folder as the Head Office application.